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Clean Cut Lawn Mowing in New Hampshire

Preparing your lawn before and after the harsh winter is essential to its health and beauty. Beacon Property Services provides seasonal maintenance and lawn mowing throughout New Hampshire to help grass and plants look and grow their best. As experienced, trusted professionals, we take pride in providing homeowners throughout the state with the highest quality services. We’re fully trained and equipped to mow, blow, prune, and weed your lawn to your expectations. We offer free estimates for all services provided.

hedge trimming

Spring Cleanup

Our team will bring your lawn to life after the harsh winter by providing a spring cleanup. With powerful blowers, we remove all debris, including fallen branches and dead leaves, into a designated disposal area so your grass and plants can grow healthily throughout spring and summer. Our spring cleanup services include:

  • Dethatching to circulate air and carbon dioxide.
  • Reshaping overgrown beds by clearing, weeding, and edging.
  • Installing mulch and decorative stones to retain moisture and prevent weeds.
  • Providing Irrigation and irrigation systems repair to water vegetation.
raking leaves

Fall Cleanup

When leaves and debris collect in your yard, they block soil from getting the nutrients it needs. Wet, soggy leaves cultivate harmful bacteria. We provide fall cleanup, completely clearing your yard. Our fall cleanup will ready your lawn to withstand the cold winter and help it grow healthily when spring arrives again. Our fall cleanup includes:

  • Picking up and disposing of large debris.
  • Blowing small debris and dead leaves into designated areas.
  • Carefully collecting the debris and hauling it away.

Residential Lawn Maintenance

We provide weekly and bi-weekly lawn maintenance during the warmer months, ensuring your yard is always cut at a manageable, uniform length. Our maintenance prevents lawns from growing unwieldy while helping them maintain their thickness. During our scheduled service, we perform detailed lawn trimming to keep your yard clean. Professional mowing, pruning, weeding, and blowing debris from asphalt are included. We offer special weeding program to prevent overgrowth. Our team responds quickly to all maintenance requests and inquiries.

Schedule Your Estimate Today