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Beautiful Hardscapes for Your Home

Beacon Property Services is here to make your outdoor dreams a reality. We design and construct walkways, driveways, retaining walls, and patios throughout New Hampshire, boosting the happiness of individuals and families. We perform hardscape and landscape services with the highest level of excellence. Our installations are crafted with your needs and wants in mind, ensuring you receive the outdoor space you’ve always wanted. We’ll gladly guide you through our style and design options and provide a free estimate for your services.

back paver patio

Spacious Patios for Summertime Fun

Patios offer endless benefits for your home. They enable you to host your friends and family on beautiful summer days and evenings or spend alone time in nature. Patios are much desired and can boost your property value and curb appeal. Our patio installations transform standard backyards into beautiful outdoor living spaces. We offer every homeowner countless design options and top-quality materials. Our team can accommodate other patio features, including fireplaces, fire pits, and lighting features.

Versatile Walkways Throughout Your Property

Take a walk with us through our patio material selection, and allow us to help you make the right installation choices. Whether you want a straight, clear-cut, or winding path leading to your front door or around your garden, our installation will complement and enhance your landscape. Quality walkways enable you to transition seamlessly throughout your property and to your outdoor features. We customize paths with appropriate lighting and planting. Choose from our many design materials, including concrete pavers, blue stone, and clay bricks.

Welcome Home to a Paver Driveway

We construct and install paver driveways, giving homeowners a unique entrance to and exit from their homes. Pavers are known for being stronger and more slip-resistant than traditional asphalt. Paver driveways are highly durable, making them long-lasting. They are low-maintenance and easy to clean. We offer and install many colors and designs, including brick, concrete, and stone. Our team is thorough in its approach, and they’ll ensure your paver driveway gets installed to your precise specifications.

Privacy & Protection With Retaining Walls

At Beacon Property Services, our professionally designed and constructed retaining walls provide security, protection, and a unique visual appeal. Retaining walls serve many purposes, including preventing soil erosion and supporting structures and organic materials. They can separate garden beds and hardscape features and serve as the backdrop for your outdoor patio. Regardless of why you want a retaining wall, we can design and install one that fulfills your needs and gives your home an excellent aesthetic.

Schedule Your Estimate Today