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Exceptional Hardscapes & Landscapes in New Hampshire

At Beacon Property Services, we bring visions to life with the highest level of quality. We are a full-service property care company providing landscaping, hardscapes, lawn maintenance, snow removal, and yard cleanup for homes and businesses throughout New Hampshire. Our seasoned crew of technicians has years of experience in the landscape, hardscape, and snow management industry. From year-round to weekly maintenance, we’ll ensure your home and business grounds always look, feel, and function the way you want.

beacon property owner and child in truck

Improving Landscapes for Homes & Businesses

We specialize in enhancing the overall landscape of many residential and commercial properties. We’ve served every size of home and business type, from local shops to large-scale industrial sites. Our services make properties safer and more functional and provide them with a distinct style and aesthetic. Whether you want to refresh or revitalize to make it better for your family, friends, employees, or clients, we can customize our services to meet your needs. There’s no property we can’t service.

Our Mission & Vision

We dedicate ourselves to our clients, their needs, and their wants from beginning to end. Our work goes beyond cutting and mowing grass. We aim to improve the lives of the home and business owners we serve, along with their properties.

Our Mission

To develop long-lasting partnerships with our clients through transparency, consistency, and exceptional service.

Our Vision

To establish ourselves as the first choice for commercial landscape and snow management services in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.

It All Starts With a Plan

If you want to enhance your yard’s appearance, Beacon Property Services is here to get the job done right. We carefully plan each step in the process. From formulating budgets, installing features, and applying finishing touches, we aim to fulfill every detail with the highest quality. We’ll begin your journey toward the perfect landscape with a free estimate. Our team will guide you every step of the way, helping you select the materials and designs needed to improve your property grounds.

Schedule Your Estimate Today